Below is our Health & Safety Policy Statement. A copy will be included in any contracts for work we undertake. Please get in touch with any questions.
Our Health & Safety Policy Statement:
This Health and Safety Statement of Intent, in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA), outlines the policy of Zoosh for the management of health and safety at work.
Management is committed to ensuring that health and safety plays an integral and equal part of business operations. This value is shared throughout the company. This enables us to meet our objective of managing and conducting our work activities in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of our workers and others who may be affected by our business activities.
In demonstrating management’s duty of care, we will take all practical steps to provide a working environment that minimises incidents of risk or personal injury, ill health or damage to property.
Health & safety action plan:
In order to minimise risk and to ensure a safe and healthy work environment, Zoosh is committed to:
1. The continual improvement of our systems and processes to ensure we are meeting our health & safety objectives.
2. Making health and safety a standard item on the agenda for monthly management meetings.
3. Conducting weekly toolbox meetings held at each site to discuss any health and safety issues and site-specific hazards. Staff will have access to an electronic checklist to assist in maintaining a safe site.
4. Meeting employee health and safety training requirements through an annual review process. This ensures that training and qualifications (First Aid, SiteSafe, EWP, Harness Training, etc)
are kept current and relevant to job (and client) requirements.
5. An annual health & safety policy audit, a bi-monthly fire evacuation practice audit, and daily hazard identification.
6. Compliance with all relevant legislation, local laws and by-laws, codes of practice and New Zealand standards.
660-670 Great South Road
Building 5, Level 8
Ellerslie, Auckland 1051
0800 753 583
09 553 4552
Unit 8, 19 William Lewis Drive
Christchurch 8051
0800 753 583
03 244 0365